Our History
In 2011, Ursuline merged with the Good Grief Center, adding grief and bereavement support for all ages as a complement to its range of services. This addition rounded out the three main programs that Ursuline offers: Guardianship, Older Adult Protective Services, and Independence Support Services.
Note: Unfortunately, due to a loss of critical funding, the Good Grief Center ceased operation in 2017.
However, Ursuline is committed to innovation and continually growing to fill in the gaps, so that more needs can be met. Ursuline’s Independence Support programs, Representative Payee, ensure that seniors and disabled adults receive the extra helping hand with groceries, financial assistance.
The need for Ursuline Support Services has been growing year over year. Our community Board of Directors and management are committed to ensuring the future viability of Ursuline as the premier provider of Allegheny County Area Agency on Aging contracted services, while continuously pursuing new opportunities to broaden the services we provide.
So, that’s our history. Now, be a part of our future. Make a difference today.

Since its inception, our social service agency has provided direct assistance to the most vulnerable populations in Allegheny County. This has been accomplished through a variety of human services programs that address issues such as:
• Neglect
• Elder abuse
• Exploitation
• Financial management
• Service coordination
• Guardianship