Mission, Vision, Core Values


Ursuline Support Services’ mission is to provide personalized social support and financial guidance with the compassion and care everyone deserves.


Ursuline Support Services’ vision is that age and ability are no longer barriers to a life of independence, connection, and purpose.

Core Values

  • No one should struggle alone, and everyone deserves support during life’s challenging transitions.
  • Everyone deserves to be treated with respect, dignity, compassion, and professionalism.
  • When facing life’s transitions, everyone should have a “safe” place to turn for help where highly qualified professionals whom they trust are accessible to them.
  • Staff, board members, and volunteers treat each other with the same respect and care that they accord to their clients.
  • Recruiting, training, and retaining the best possible professionals for every position are organizational priorities.

Revised October 2024

Cart to Heart

Grocery shopping service

Checks and Balance

Bill paying and representative payee services

Senior Reassurance

Daily wellness calls to seniors who live alone